Another name of this disease – degenerated-destroyer of the defeat of the spine, affects the body of the vertebrae, the ligaments and articulation of the device, the intervertebral discs. Just as often diagnosed in men and women, usually develops after the age of 30. According to the statistics of this disease suffer from 50 to 80% of the population.

Classification of symptoms in osteochondrosis cervical
The development of this disease sometimes it happens before 30-35 years, therefore, experience symptoms of the disease may already, even in adolescence. The signs of cervical arthritis are discussed in detail below, the disease has become a real problem in the modern world. Sedentary work, prolonged stay in front of the computer have a negative impact on the health, well-being of man. All the symptoms of cervical arthritis are linked to a disruption of several systems:
- In severe cases, occur signs of oppression, the integrity of the spinal cord located in the vertebral canal.
- The pathological process is able to affect the system nervous priphrique. The implications are exposed to the roots of the spinal cord, located close to sources of deformations osteo-cartilaginous.
- In some cases, there is wedging of the vertebral arteries. These blood vessels carry cells of the brain nutrients, and oxygen. The violation of these processes leads to a strong deterioration of the health of the man.
The pain

It is known that one of the first signs of the disease – pain in the cervical region. First of all, it passes quickly, carries a periodic nature, but is then transformed into a chronic form. The main places of the location of the pain are:
- occipital muscles (intensifies during rotations of the neck, the slopes of the head);
- the area of the shoulders;
- neck.
A lot of different ways depending on the location of the lesion, the unpleasant sensations can be sharp, shooting, periodically, soothe, wear painful and permanent. With time, the movements of the head cause embarrassment, which is related to the tension in the muscles of the neck. Case of jamming of an artery, there is sometimes a migraine headache, cervical (at the time of a decrease of vascularization, lack of oxygen appears to be headaches).
The nausea
In some cases, there occurs compression of the blood vessels that provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain of man, to the inner ear. Because of this nausea low back pain. Accompanied by these symptoms is usually a loss of appetite and it is the cause of the reduction of weight, a lack of good nutrients. In the last stages of the disease can cause vomiting during the rotation of the head, of the walking or the slopes. This is due to the lack of receipt of blood to the average of the ear, where the center of balance.
The neurological symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis

Some manifestations of the disease is not immediately can be attributed to the characterized. It is necessary to know what are the symptoms of osteochondrosis cervical can not ignore, for example, the lack of air. When the defeat of this department can develop the syndrome of irritation of the phrenic nerve. The patient have difficulty breathing, lack of oxygen, which causes shortness of breath and even a strong choking.
This manifestation of the pathology is often accompanied by snoring, amplified, if it is to take an uncomfortable position during sleep. This leads to the fact that the person does not rest the night, wakes up with a general feeling of being unwell, weakness, feeling tired and frustrated. Such a state in the absence of treatment can lead to deterioration of memory, decreased concentration, and irreversible changes of brain waves of the tissues.
The signs of vestibular
Another direction that is manifested osteochondrosis cervical – vestibular signs. The supply of the brain the needed nutrients occurs through the vertebral arteries. If develops cervical osteochondrosis, in which disrupted the work of the internal ear, the patient is experiencing tinnitus and ringing. In some cases, these symptoms is added to the violation or decrease of hearing.
A lump in the throat
In some cases, the disease manifests itself only a symptom hard to swallow. It creates the feeling that formed a lump in the throat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, there is a dryness, itching, dryness, is difficult to swallow. These events are associated with this disorder of the conduction of the neuro-vascular trunks, coming out of the spinal cord. A lump in the throat is not a particular symptom of a degenerative disease of the disk, it may indicate tumor or inflammatory. When this characteristic, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Identify the signs of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine can be different, but the most common include disorders of the visual acuity. The supply of visual analyzers, which occurs through the sleepy and vertebrates of the artery. If a decrease of blood flow occurs due to the crushing of the last, begins the decline of view, that does not improve when you wear glasses. Osteochondrosis cervical symptoms:

- the decrease of the pressure;
- "floating", flashing point;
- atherosclerosis of the arteries in the brain;
- the violation of the focus on the subject;
- veil of mist before the eyes.
The characteristic sign of this that the decrease in vision occurs due to pinching of the vertebra underlying of a blood vessel, circulatory problems, will the lack of improvement with the glasses, the execution of the exercises. Change the state, it is not only a rapid treatment of the underlying disease (before the appearance of irreversible lesions of the tissues).
Arterial signs
The spine plays an important role in the human body, so that the whole of his illness affecting many systems. There are some arterial signs of cervical osteoarthritis, which indicate the disease. It is a sudden loss of consciousness. This is the most bad, dangerous symptom, which is inherent to this disease. This occurs because of the traffic violation, when the arteries of the brain may temporarily stop doing the blood.
Expressed a spasm of the arteries occurs because of the response of the deformation of the shoots of irritation of the nerve endings. If your friend osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and he lost consciousness, it is necessary to raise the, raise the legs on a small hill, to increase the flow of blood of the members and increase the entries of the encphale. After that, people are usually quick to come to himself.
The instability of the blood pressure – another symptom of the disease of this group. Doctors can diagnose the discontinuity of the indicators, if disturbed blood circulation. This is not a specific symptom of the degenerative disease of the disk, but is part of an overall picture of the disease. The blood pressure can substantially decrease or increase. A person feels the deterioration of the state, it must therefore ensure the peace.
Previously, it has been described that when the disease occurs sometimes loss of consciousness. This applies to the case where the blood flow to the brain has been very difficult. The more often the patients feel dizziness if osteochondrosis cervical. It is a common symptom that accompanies all patients with the disease. This phenomenon has a spontaneous character of the event. The cause of this state is to reduce the number of blowing of the oxygen to the inner ear. It is located in the human brain, is responsible for the sensation of balance. The dizziness occurs when:
- turning the head, the neck;
- if roughly to get up from bed.
Temperature of osteochondrosis

In some cases, the pathological processes are distributed among the structures of the segment of the spinal cord. This happens if you increase the disk, stenosis of the canal. The temperature of osteochondrosis – the response of the organism on the data of the pathology. This is the same reaction is possible in the syndrome of the vertebral artery. It is a common phenomenon osteochondrosis of the last phase of development of the disease. Therefore, the increase of the temperature refers to the non specific symptoms of the disease.
This characteristic is not necessarily present, thermoregulation of the body may be in the standard. If you feel persistent pain in the area of the nape of the neck, shoulders, neck, and during the rotation or the tilt of the head is the exacerbation – refer to a specialist for an examination. The absence of treatment necessarily lead to that the state deteriorates, the comfort level of life will decrease.